This blog has now moved on to our offical blog: on the Crossfit Ventura site. The web address is www. crossfitventura.com Come check us out!
Bringing Together A Great Community From Santa Barbara to Ventura
If we got rid of the injury thread on the message board then we'd significantly reduce the injury rate? Would closing the doors of hospitals reduce the number of sick people?
Openly speaking of injury and rhabdo is a unique feature of this program. Be smart about drawing inference from our candor.
Your handle is a misnomer; it implies an acumen you clearly lack. I appreciate and understand your anonymity. Your thoughts would be an embarrassment to any name.
Every so often, someone gets the opportunity to meet Pukie after or during a crossfit workout. While puking may not be the most fun thing you ever go through, it really is an honor in disguise. It shows that you were able to push yourself harder than your body was ready for. You also can get a real good assessment of how much abuse your body can actually take. Personally, I have not puked yet. I have come close, but the honor has never befallen me. I can only hope for that perfect day when I finally empty my stomach! Have you meet Pukie yet? If so, please share your stories with us to the comments.