Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Key... getting in Crossfit videos is placing yourself into position to work out right next to monsters like Josh Everett. I'm the guy struggling with the burpees on the far left to the screen (behind Everett). Word is they are making a movie on the Crossfit and the games from all the footage they've been shooting. I can't wait till it comes out!

W.O.D Thursday 7/10/08

"Diane", 3 rounds for time:
Deadlifts (m-225, w-155)
Hand-Stand Push-Ups

Post times to comments


Migs said...

I'm not gonna lie, it's fun to see you struggle through a workout ;)

Good job. I would have blown out my lower intestines and then thrown up on them...

Yesterday's WOD:

65-85-95*-95(x3)- dnf
*re-aggravated chest

NO MILE RUN - cuz all the machines were full

kenshen said...

i would not have blown out any organs, nor vomited upon them, mostly because it's physically impossible for me to deadlift 275#. i would have just shook my head for a few minutes, and then maybe wept quietly.

WOD: 13:20 with 155# DL. yes, that's the women's weight. also, handstand push-ups are hard.

miguel, hope your chest heals up quick.

Migs said...

"i would have just shook my head for a few minutes, and then maybe wept quietly."


CJ said...

Migs, I wish your chest the best of luck. Make sure you take some Vitamin I and take it real easy o your chest this last month before your match.

Ken, are you back in town yet?

Todays WOD:
Diane - 6:31 (2 sec PR)

I'm felt pretty beat today. I think I'm still feeling the aftermath of the pounding I took last weekend...

kenshen said...

cj - i am back in town, but i'm leaving tomorrow for 4 days, so i can't make the saturday workout, sadly. way to finish diane in half my time with 70 more pounds.

oh, and i forgot to mention that i lost 6 pounds (of muscle, probably) in 2 weeks in barcelona, even though all i did every day was eat and drink. that ain't right.

Anonymous said...

diane 7:17 (last pr 9:04) woo

Unknown said...

DL 95# (need to increase weight next time)
Seated SP(sub for HSPU) 20# dumbells

DL 165#
Seated SP sub 35# dbs

Unknown said...

p.s. my knees/shins are all bruised up...ouch.