Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bill and Faith

Crossfit couple? You bet! Bill and Faith are both amazing people as well as dedicated athletes. I was fortunate enough to have been around to watch Bill help Faith crank out her pullups during her first "Helen" this last Saturday. They make a great team! Bill is so passionate about fitness and getting an affiliate started, I get amped up just listening to him talk. I can't wait to be able to spend some more good times with these two.

WOD Thursday 5.1.08


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saturday's Workout

Come join the Santa Barbara Crossfit Community in our workout this Saturday! We will be meeting at the UCSB Track (shown above) at 12 pm. There is a parking garage near by and you can find a map of the campus here. Bill and I have had a great time during the last two showings and we can't wait to hang out with all of you again.

WOD Wednesday 4.30.08

As Many Rounds in 20 Minutes of:
-5 Deadlifts (men: 225#, women: 155#)
-10 DB Thrusters (m: 25# each, w:15# each)
-15 Box Jumps (20")

Why do deadlifts?

Have fun,


Monday, April 28, 2008

The Perfect Burpee...

UCSB grad student, Brian Spiering, demonstrating great form on his burpees in today's workout. I can only wonder if the passerby on the bike even knows what a burpee is... Hopefully Brian will be able to make it to one of our Saturday workouts soon so everyone can meet him. He's got a great blog which follows his progress that you can check out here.

Speaking of Saturdays... Miguel sent me an interesting article on exercising safely in the heat. Since it is getting hotter, and our Saturday workouts are usually going to be held outside, it is important that you remember to stay hydrated and wear sun screen to these workouts. You can check out the article here.

WOD Tuesday 4.29.08

"Tabata This"

Rest 1 minute between each exercise

Tabata Squats, Tabata Pull-ups, Tabata Push-ups, Tabata Sit-ups, Tabata Row

Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals.

The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Workout Of The Day

I had a great time with all of you who came this Saturday for our free workout. That was a really hard workout and it was fun watching all of you work together as teams to get it done. Great Job!

Its great to see many of you coming back again as well as see some new faces. I'm sure we'll be seeing many others join up with our group as we continue on. Our little crossfit community here in Santa Barbara seems to be expanding...

Bill and I feel that, until we open up our facility in the coming month or 2, it would be great to utilize this blog as a means for many of us to further expand the sense of community that helps make Crossfit so great. So, I will be updating this blog daily with the workouts of the day that we have programmed.

We really encourage you to follow this program and submit your times, weights, and modifications to the comments. Let everyone know how you are doing and ask questions. This way, we can always check out how we all are doing, monitor progress, offer our support, and be inspired. If you can, take pictures of your efforts, workouts, or anything else and email them to me at so I can post them up for everyone to see. See you next Saturday!

WOD MONDAY 4.28.08

Find Your Max 3-rep Back Squat:

5 Rounds For Time:
-7 Handstand Push-Ups
-7 Knees 2 Elbows
-7 Burpees

Check out these awesome variations of the Handstand Pushup!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

REAL Fitness

There are two reasons (other than health) for people to follow strength and conditioning programs:
1.) Because they want to BE stronger and fit or
2.) Because they want to Look stronger and fit

Over the past several of decades, the majority of America has changed their agenda. We have made the switch from the first reason for the second. Large scale "globo" gyms have largely facilitated this unfortunate shift in thought through the promotion of bodybuilding. While globo gyms make most of their money by getting people to sign up and hoping they don't show up, they also cannot afford with their model for their clients to participate in functional training. This is because functional or real training often requires real trainers to insure the movements are being performed correctly and safely. Real trainers are much to expensive for the globo gyms payroll as their business model is dependent on hiring minimum wage workers.

So with bodybuilding available, this allowed people to cheaply LOOK strong and fit and go along their lives all the much happier. Then this bodybuilding technique transferred over to our sports teams and athletes became bodybuilders. The problem...athletes (as well as the rest of us who'd like to be functional human beings) need to actually be strong and fit, not just look like it.

At the same time, on the other end of the spectrum, endurance athletes began to gain popularity. All off a sudden endurance athletes were looked at as the "Fittest people on earth". Now, I do not have anything against endurance athletes. I just think it is foolish that we call someone fit because they can go an extremely long distance at a fast pace. Being fit is not just about cardio endurance, speed, and stamina. It must include strength, power, flexibility, accuracy, balance, agility, and coordination, as well be applicable to all domains. The top endurance athletes (think Lance) are down right weak and unathletic in under any outlet besides their own specialized movement (running, biking, swimming...).

So why is being functionally fit really important? Besides for the obvious answer geared towards most sports, athletes, and many jobs, it is important for everyone because We ARE Human Beings and We PERFORM human movements. Being strong and fit makes you a more useful person. You will be more useful to those who need help, you will be quicker to react in a moment of crises, and you will be able to perform functional movements while you age. You never know what might happen in life, and it important to be ready. It is important to be Crossfit.

So where does that leave us now? Can we shift how everyone thinks about fitness? Yes, slowly but surly, we can influence those around us through example. By becoming strong and fit, others will eventually ask and try it themselves. I hope, one day, we won't be the proud minority of us crossfitters who do what we do, but we will be the proud majority. Excellence is attractive and caught on quickly. Our community demonstrates unyielding EXCELLENCE, and many others will be soon to follow...

Two of my more Recent PR's:

1-rep max Snatch - 160# (previous best - 145#)

"Diane" 3 Rounds:
21-15-9 For Time:
Deadlift (225#)
Hand Stand Push Ups

Time - 6:33 (previous best - 10:04)

1st Fight Gone Bad Tomorrow (with thruster instead of wall ball), wish me luck!


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lots of Fun

I want to thank everyone who took the time to come to our first free Saturday workout. We certainly had a great time working with you all and watching you fly through that workout. You all kicked ass!... but you girls, Sue and Heidi, both really impressed us; especially when you both cranked through both rounds of those tabata pushups! We can't wait to see all of you again this Saturday!

This Saturday, the 26th, we will most likely be hosting free workouts at both Carpinteria and Isla Vista.

The Carpinteria session will most likely be held at 10am and the Isla Vista will be held at 12pm. In IV, we will be meeting at the pullup bars outside of the RecCen at UCSB. They are right in between the outside basketball courts and the turf field. There should be plenty of parking at the parking garage across from the RecCen. The Carp location is still being worked out, but I will give you an update as soon as we know.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or Bill at

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Beach Workout

This weekend, Bill Huffman and I will be running our first (of hopefully many) free Saturday workouts. The plan is to have everyone meet on the beach near the Embarcadero entrance (shown in the picture) at noon. For those who unfamiliar with Crossfit, it will be a great way to check us out and get a taste of what it is. For everyone already familiar with it, including some of you monster crossfitters I've met lately, it will be a great way to meet other people in our community. For those of you who prefer to workout with someone else, this is a great opportunity to find local crossfitters.

This is also a great opportunity for you to meet up and talk to Bill and myself about our future opening of Crossfit Santa Barbara. I would love to answer any questions and listen to any suggestions you may have.

So come out and join us this Saturday at the beach. We'll workout, hang out, and for the first time, attempt to bring together the local Santa Babara Crossfit community. See you there!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Learning Experience

So I've been dreading taking the class for a long time: Intermediate Weight Training. I couldn't believe I'd be forced to take such a basic class for body builders from some guy, who at best knew a little more than nothing. I was fuming whenever I had the thought of having to go to this class twice a week for the next 10 weeks. I just knew it was going to be a disaster.

When I got to class, I was handed a questionnaire asking, among other things, what I expected to get from the class. My answer- "nothing". I handed it in and bounced.

The next time I had the class, the instructor asked who "Colin" was and introduced me to the class as the person to ask besides him if they had any questions about anything including form and programming. I wasn't happy to be singled out without being talked to first, but after talking to the instructor, I realized this was a great opportunity for me. He was allowing me to use this otherwise useless hour, to instead work on my ability to train. The more practice I get, the better I'll be, and I want to be the best. Although I may disagree with the programming and mentality the instructor has towards training, I am very thankful to him for giving me opportunity to actually learn from the class.

I guess even the most dreaded things can turn out for the best...

Past 2 wods:

1.) "Barbara" 5 Rounds with 3 in rests between:
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Abmat Situps
50 Squats

(3:01 - 3:25 - 3:58 - 4:01 - 4:28)
Total Time - 18:52 (PR by over 4 minutes)

2.) For Time:
5 Push Press (115#)
25 DB Swings (60#)
10 Push Press
20 DB Swings
15 Push Press
15 DB Swings
20 Push Press
10 DB Swings
25 Push Press
5 DB Swings

Time - 12:14


Thursday, April 3, 2008


So whats really the importance of having good posture? I know mom's hate to see their kids walking around with bad posture, but what about bad posture makes is distinctly "bad"? Many many many things.

Posture, even an only slightly bad one, is by and large, the reason severe chronic back and neck pain are so common in our country. The reason can be largely because many of us sit in chairs all day, which evolutionarily we were not designed to do. Sitting down with a non-active back promotes rounded shoulders, a overly flexed back. Not to mention the use of computers often causes a overly forward posture of our neck. Chronic pain, however, is not the only reason to avoid bad posture...

Bad posture is LARGELY at fault for many athletic injuries. Especially those injuries which we tend to get over and over again. Here is an example: having a overly forward (or flexed) neck changes our center of balance. Our shoulders then slump forward to accommodate this defect. Then the anterior (front) portion of our pelvis shifts forward. This puts tremendous stress on our hamstring muscles which makes them much more prone to injury. This anterior pelvic tilt also affects our athletic performance. If a muscle is already stretched, we cannot use that muscle to its full potential. So, for us crossfitters, exercises like jumping, squating and thrusters, the Olympic lifts, and many other aspects of fitness suffer. There are many other ways in which posture can affect our whole bodies and can make a big difference in our athletic ability.

So I am asking you to think actively think about your posture when you can. When you are sitting down, don't slump or slouch... it could cost you not only in later chronic pain, but it could deprive you of your full athletic potential.

Past 3 Day's:

Day 1-"Mary" as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 HSPU - 10 Pistols - 15 Pullups

Score - 10.7 Rounds (a PR by almost 2 rounds)

Day 2- Find max 1-rep Deadlift
3 x 225, 3 x 255, 2 x 275, 2 x 295, 1 x 315, 1 x 345, 1 x 370 (f)
note...I jumped up much too quickly on that last set in hope of getting a pr. Stupid idea


5 Rounds for time:
10 Box Jumps (30") - 10 Back Extensions - 10 AbMat Situps

Time - 5:54

Day 3 -5 Rounds for time:
400m Run - 20 Thrusters (75#) - 5 ManMakers (20# each DB)

Time - 21:15

(I will to post after every 3 day cycle on my rest days for now on)