Every rest day, the
Crossfit main site encourages thoughtful debate and discussion on various topics by posting a link to an interesting or controversial article/video. While having discussions is not a necessary component to the Crossfit program in anyway, I think it is an interesting and useful way to spend some of that extra time we have available on rest days. Starting today, there will be an article or video posted for discussion every rest day. If you choose to read them, I encourage you to contribute to a thoughtful discussion. I do ask that you play nice and think about what your saying before you make a post. I hope for some of you, this will be an interesting and thought provoking addition to our blog.
Crossfit Trivia will continue tomorrow...
W.O.D Friday 6/06/08
"Drug Store Athlete", by Malcolm Gladwell (author of
Blink) - Atlantic Press
Post thoughts to comments.
Well, I'll start this up.
The rules and regulations behind drug testing are obviously not and cannot be adequate at this point to stop the prevalence of performance enhancing drugs in collegiate, professional, and Olympic sport.
Creating new tests to catch more drugs seems like a big waste of time and money as the tests will always be at least one step behind athletes. Instead, at least at the collegiate level, that money would be better spend on finding ways to educate athletes about the subject and to teach those who do take performance enhancing drugs to do so safely. This method has proven to be effective lowering the usage of recreational drugs among students, and there is no logical reason why it wouldn't be just as effective to lower usage among athletes. At least at the collegiate level...
I haven't read the article, but cj's post makes me think of the other "war on drugs." There is a thought that stopping supply, i.e. testing, will never be effective. The better alternative is reducing demand, i.e. education. By education, I don't mean "Just Say No."
thank you so much for waking me up this morning! I slept in through 2 alarm clocks and you saved me big time!
Made up yesterday's workout:
Mile - 6:45 (I paced it way too slow, I should be under 5:30)
Row - 40 cals
Thrusters - 30 reps
Med Ball Cleans (18#) - 15 reps
Double-Unders - 50 reps
Pull-ups - 30 reps
Score - 165
made up yesterdays workout
mile- 7:20 (very disappointed I usually get around 6:40 but I took it easy because of my shin splints)
Row- 28 cal
thrusters(17.5)- 30
med ball cleans(14#)- 20
pull-ups- 17
double unders- 20 (I suck at these... need to practice)
score- 115
Made up yesterday's workout:
Mile: 10:10 (paced it way, way too slow)
Thrusters (less weight): 30
Cleans (12#): 25
Tuck Jumps: 55
Pull-ups (bands): 15
Row: 19
Total: 144
Switched from back to front gym for rowing and stopped clock to set up stations (or else the set up would have been 2 minutes alone), so more rest time than needed.
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