Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Great Week

Wow, what a great week this has been. I never thought waking up at 4am during spring break could be a fun thing to do! I want to thank B-boy and Robin so much for taking me under their wing and teaching me so much. The amount of knowledge and experience I am taking away from them is truly priceless. They are both very inspirational to me and I cannot express my gratitude enough. I also want to thank everyone who I got to work out with and meet in the mornings. Everyone really helped and encouraged me to push myself harder. There is a lot to say about competition and its effects on performance. CF NSC is a breeding ground for competition and performance and I've enjoyed every little bit of it (yes, even when I got my ass kicked doing "Sage". Hopefully, I'll be back to see everyone in SC sooner than later.

As I head back to SB, I know its going to be one hell of a quarter. It will truly be a quarter of fitness. My classes: Physiology of Exercise, Applied Kinesiology, and Sport Exercise Psychology among others. I will be training hard as well as running my delivery business. I also really want to get CFSB started this summer and there is a LOT to plan for and a LOT to be done. I am also feeling the excitement to have my certification in May. Things couldn't be going busier...or better.

I hope everyone else had an awesome spring break!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Break

It's finally here!

I head back to Santa Cruz today for the first time since winter and I couldn't be happier. The stress of finals is over and now I can relax. I'll be at Crossfit NSC starting monday at 5am. The plan is to workout, shower, and then hang out there all day absorbing as much as I can from Brendon and the rest of the great trainers. I think this will be one if the best learning experiences ever. I cannot wait!

On the down side, I strained a tendon in my "good" shoulder the other day doing knees 2 elbows in a dreadfully hard workout (21-15-9-15-21 of Hang Squat Cleans and K2Es). I've been resting it for the past 2 days but it still is sore (and not the good type of sore). Hopefully, by Monday, it will be good enough to go for whatever the white board demands.

...Sorry if my posts look a little bland without pictures. I sold my camera so I could get in some extra privates with B. Right now, expanding my knowledge on the subject that I love is much more important than a little luxury. I'll try to make up for it in the future by spending more time on each blog so I can write more in depth and interesting material than I have in the past.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Goals

So I set a new personal record for "Fran" again. 4 minutes 36 seconds; almost a minute better than my last attempt 2 months ago. I am excited to see what I can do in the future. This got me thinking about some new goals of mine.

A great way to improve your level of fitness to set goals for yourself. Extremely hard, yet achievable goals. They are useful because they can put you in a clear direction to where you want to go. I think we all should always have goals for themselves. This way we are always progressing, always achieving.

Here are some of my new goals:
-Open CF Santa Barbara
-Attend a level 1 CF Cert and O'Lift Cert by the end of 2008
-Personal records:
*Have a sub 3 minute Fran by 2009
*Have a 30 plus Cindy by 2009
*Have a Sub 8 minutes Helen by 2009
*Back Squat over 400#
*Run a 5K in under 18 minutes
*Have over a bodyweight Snatch

...The list goes on and on in my head and I have NO DOUBT that I will accomplish them all. I know this because I know I will try as hard as I can to tear through my workouts every day, learn as much as I can, program smart, pay attention to my body, and stay on the zone.

We can all accomplish our goals if we train hard enough, eat right, and follow the Crossfit regimen. All that matters is one thing...How bad do you want it??

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pushing Your Limits

It's all about pushing your limits! It's all about going farther than you think is possible. The more and more I delve myself into the philosophy, science, and practice behind crossfit,, the more I am noticing that after a point, you need to erase from your mind the word IMPOSSIBLE. It is not a word. It does not truly exist. I believe you can always push yourself harder. And harder. And harder! Push yourself each and every time you enter the gym! The harder you push yourself to your absolute limit, the faster and stronger your progress will be.

I believe so much in this program, I can talk to people forever about it with unrelenting enthusiasm. And I feel this enthusiasm for fitness is being transformed into an enthusiasm for life. With its ever-growing community and acceptance, functional fitness is changing more lives than ever. And I am more than thrilled that I have found such a great program so young in life. I want to push myself harder than ever. I want you to push yourself harder than ever too! The more this community strives for excellence, the stronger and fitter we will all get as a whole.

Here are some of my recent PRs:

Time - 8:14

Max Snatch: 145#

2k Row - 7:17

Max Clean - 215

3 Rounds For Time:
30 Box Jumps (24")
21 DB Swings (55#)
12 Pullups
Time - 11:49

Have a great day, I've been busy as usual but I'll try to post more often
CJ Monday for me is "Fran". My goal: under 4 minutes!