We've been long overdue for a good old game of CrossFit Trivia! Here's how it is gonna happen:
1.) Every day for the next 15 days, I will be including a Crossfit Trivia question in the daily blog. Whoever is first to post an adequate answer to the comments will receive the points for that day.
2.) Different questions will be worth different amounts of points.
3.) The winner will be whoever has the most amount of points at the end of the 15 days.
4.) The prize for winning will be... a free Crossfit T-Shirt from us (when we have them available)
5.) Bill, Nick, and I are not allowed to participate.
SO, are you ready for the first question? It is worth 4 points:
What do the letters IWCABTAMD stand for?
1.) Every day for the next 15 days, I will be including a Crossfit Trivia question in the daily blog. Whoever is first to post an adequate answer to the comments will receive the points for that day.
2.) Different questions will be worth different amounts of points.
3.) The winner will be whoever has the most amount of points at the end of the 15 days.
4.) The prize for winning will be... a free Crossfit T-Shirt from us (when we have them available)
5.) Bill, Nick, and I are not allowed to participate.
SO, are you ready for the first question? It is worth 4 points:
What do the letters IWCABTAMD stand for?
W.O.D Wednesday 5/28/08
As Many Rounds In 20 Minutes Of:
400m Row
10 Overhead Squats (m: 95#, w:65#)
20 Pushups
Post # of Rounds To Comments
As Many Rounds In 20 Minutes Of:
400m Row
10 Overhead Squats (m: 95#, w:65#)
20 Pushups
Post # of Rounds To Comments
improving work capacity across broad time and modal domains
damn matt just beat me!! If I was a minute sooner. You suck! hahahaha
one more thing-
Colin, You know how I have tight shoulders and I know my arms are going to want to come forward when I try doing the overhead squats, should I try to use a lower weight?
you are close bud, very very close. However, your answer is incorrect. The points are still up for grabs!
yes, unless you can do a perfect overhead squat with just a broomstick, don't do them with ANY weight at all.
ncreased work capacity across broad time and modal domains.
i feel like the guy on price is right who goes one dollar over someone else's bid, but i'll take it.
Ding Ding Ding! And 4 points goes to Ken...
WOW, I'm impressed. You all were up late doing research. Well, late for me...I'm just an old man who passes out at 9:00 every night. Ha Ha.
Good job Ken!
Yeah, I had to guess on the "I"... I didn't feel like doing more than one google search. Congrats Ken. Ashleigh, I'm pretty sure that if we team up we can take Ken. I could wear the shirt 3 days a week and you could have it the other 4?
Todays wod:
5 rounds
I took a mental shit today. I was sore but there was no excuse for me not getting at least 6 rounds in. Oh well... I'll make up for it by pushing extra hard on Friday
made up the pull-up workout: 14 rounds + 7. at first, i was sort of sad i had inexplicably lost 3 pounds when i weighed myself before the workout, but i guess that's better for pull-ups. not looking forward to making up today's workout...
no teaming up on trivia.
4.25 rounds. I was almost done with my 5th 400m when time ran out.
Colin-I feel the same my arms were just so tired probably from my favorite thing, pull-ups. I should have done better... I was being lame. I was slacking on the rows.
I am down. You and I = pure domination! Meeting tonight to plan out our strategies. hahahaha
Sorry Ken! ;)
Row 500 warm-up
Tried to dial in my rowing machine damper settings using Tabata rows. I'm feeling comfortable with a "7"
800m runs
Rd.1 4:16
Rd.2 4:27
First lap feels sluggish, but get into groove around 1 1/4 laps.
4 rounds
broomstick o/h squats*
*man, getting the right form on those is really hard. I will be spending a lot of time with my broomstick before I add weight.
yes the form was definitely the hardest part for me too. I only used 10 for the squats. my shoulders are so tight
I really liked this workout. Sweat raining off my face.
As Rx'd:
6 Rounds (just squeezed the 6th round in during the last seconds)
Well...Julie and I are behind from vacation. Since today was a rest day we did this workout from the day we came back to PA.
Julie had 6 completed rounds and I had 5 completed rounds. We modified the pushups till we get stronger and good form and we used a 45 lb bar.
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