I will be out of town visiting Santa Cruz/Aromas from next Wednesday through the following Monday. After which, the Huffmister and I will probably be extremely busy trying to get our facility up and running. So, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in another type of clinic before I leave on Wednesday July 3rd. If you are interested, give some suggestions to what you would like to work on most, and when your available. I'm hoping we can have another great time like when we had our CFT clinic!
W.O.D Thursday 6/26/08
"From A Prominent Death, Some Painful Truths", by Denise Grady - New York Times
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"From A Prominent Death, Some Painful Truths", by Denise Grady - New York Times
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Overhead squats
Clean and Jerk
Muscle Ups
Handstand Pushups
No workout today. We went to a concert instead.
We could do it at my house so that it's free for everybody.
Tuesday next week?
I am garbage at OLY, but entertaining. We can grab Matt's weights and head somewhere with less obstacles.
I will bring my 5/10lbs so people don't have to jump from 155 to 185.
Yay olympic lifts!
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