If I had to describe the men and women of our crossfit community in one word, it would be "Tough". No matter how difficult the workout is, you guys always seem to suck it up and push yourselves through it. In fact, in the past 2 months we've been having our Saturday workouts, we've yet to catch anyone not giving it their all. All of you guys have been flying through these workouts. It is an absolute pleasure to watch you guys in action. Hats off to Amanda today; she absolutely TORE IT UP! Great effort! We hope to see all you weekend warriors again next Saturday.

W.O.D Sunday 5/25/08
great work all. way to stomp on us while sick, colin. and huff, did you do that workout in jeans??
Of course...I had to give Colin a chance :) (yeah right)
I always keep a set of workout clothes with me just in case. I originally wasn't planning on working out, but watching you all push through today pumped me up! GREAT JOB everyone! I need to throw out a special "GREAT JOB" to little Reice. I believe we had the winner of the 2018 Crossfit Games working out with us today.
It was great watching you all crank through it today. Excellent job!
I missed the jumping, but I cut my mile time by 30 secs., so I'm pretty fired up.
This was my 1st crossfit workout and I would have to say GREAT JOB. My family and I are out visiting from PA and I am totally siked about these workouts. Thanks to all for a great experience today and you all rocked. It also amazed me at how hard my son Reice pushed himself and you all helped sike him up. Thanks again.
Hi everyone! Just wanted to thank you all for letting me workout with you all. I am in visiting Huff and he just introduced the family to crossfit. I absolutely love it. The workouts are a challenge even though they might not look like it on the white board. I am totally hooked! Can't wait to continue the journey. Keep up the great work you weekend warriors. Julie, Reice, and I will be keepin in touch to see how you all are doing. Take care! Dana
The workout was great because you get more strength and everyone was a very good partner. Everyone cheered me on and made me go faster and better. Thanks Reice
great day! It was so excellent to come around the track and see everyone plowing through their box jumps in the distance (helped keep the voice in my head saying "oh damn, I can't go on" from stopping me)
Great job Colin & Bill, it was really fun to be on the other side cheering you guys on!
Thanks for joining us julie, dana and reice. Have a great rest of your trip!
I can't believe we actually have a community of people into crossfit! I am soooo stoked! I'm totally bummed my knee is no good for running but all your hard work inspired the crap out of me. I did the workout this evening with 500m rows subbed for the runs and a 24" box. Damn thing took me 25 minutes... 25 glorious minutes mind you, soaked in sweat.
Cheers to all of you and thanks for rocking so much!
Hey CJ,
Yea, I just can't find the time to blog. I signed up for the games too. Look forward to seeing you there. It's gonna be tough with all the big names there. I've been working hard at it, missed you at CFNSC on friday.
Keep it up,
nice to hear from you. The games are gonna be a blast! Next time I'm up in SC, I'll try my hardest to get up early so I can catch up with you at NSC
Quick question...
What is an alternative exercise I can do instead of wall balls?
The thrusters are the preferred replacement for the wallballs
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