Although there will be no Saturday group workout tomorrow, I will be very available this following week for a "Crossfit Total Clinic" for those of you who are interested. We will work extensively on correcting the back squat, deadlift, and shoulder press. I think it will be cool to get some of us together lifting some weights for once. I am anticipating many "PRs"! Let me know what you think. When? Where? Who? Let's get this thing planned out.
W.O.D Saturday 6/21/08
3 Rounds For Time:
15 Thrusters (m: 95, w: 65)
30 Kettlebell (or dumbbell) Swings (m: 55, w: 35)
45 Sideways Bar Hops
*1 sideways bar hop is a tuck jump (knees to chest) over the barbell you are using for thrusters
Failed box jumps suck!...but they sure are fun to watch
3 Rounds For Time:
15 Thrusters (m: 95, w: 65)
30 Kettlebell (or dumbbell) Swings (m: 55, w: 35)
45 Sideways Bar Hops
*1 sideways bar hop is a tuck jump (knees to chest) over the barbell you are using for thrusters
Failed box jumps suck!...but they sure are fun to watch
My vote is Wed at anytime.
We can make any day but Wednesday cuz we have a concert to got to.
hola from SF, hours away from a LONG plane ride to espagne. did a modified lynne with push-ups and dead-hang pull-ups (had to use the low monkey bars at the playground...): 173. adios amigos!
that sucked.
I agree. Those swings beat me down.
As rx'd - 16:25
Ken, have a great time in Spain!
Okay, how about Monday sometime?
Matt + Miguel + Sue,
Late Monday afternoon sound good to you?
as long at it is after 5:30, cuz that is when sue gets off work.
we're fired up...
Man...I want to be there for the Squat Clinic.
Ken...Enjoy Spain my friend!
WOD (CrossFit Pittsburgh)
50 Muscle-Ups
This was a really fun group today! Faith and I are going to hit it up all week back here.
I might want to join in the clinic. Not sure if I am workinf or not. Keep me updated thanks!
Late Monday works for me.
Huff, 50 muscle-ups is a lot. GOOD JOB!
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