As a Crossfitter, you may often be asked "why do you train so hard"? Although some of us train to further our athletic ability and success in another sport, most of us do not. People train hard for many different reasons besides sport. Some train for their jobs, for the health benefits, for longevity, to feel better, to gain confidence, to look better, to meet people, to win the crossfit games, or just for enjoyment of doing the "impossible" (by sensible people's standards). Usually, it is a combination of many things. So, do you know why you train?
Crossfit Trivia Question #12 (10 Points): Where and when was the first Crossfit Certification held at?
Crossfit Trivia Question #12 (10 Points): Where and when was the first Crossfit Certification held at?
W.O.D Monday 6/09/08
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (2 pood or 72#)
(muscle ups can be replaced with 3 pull-ups and 3 dips)
Eva T. is one strong and inspirational woman.
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (2 pood or 72#)
(muscle ups can be replaced with 3 pull-ups and 3 dips)
Eva T. is one strong and inspirational woman.
The first crossfit certification was held in Santa Cruz, CA in the later part of 2002.
Hey guys, I'll be at the gym tomorrow around 9 if anyone wants to join for the workout. See you there!
correct year, wrong place
The first video I watched was ambiguous so I guessed.
I did my homework completely: Jacksonsville, FL.
you got it. - 10 points. I think you and Matt should be in a heated competition for second place. Loser between you two has to do the following workout:
1st min - 1 burpee
2nd min - 2 burpees
...continued until one maxes out or pukes (please take film)
let the game begin!
1) Best pic...ever!
2) I want to watch the Burpee competition.
3) If anyone is up for some type of running workout this week. Let me know...
Workout note:
Took 16 secs. off my 1 mile time yesterday. Felt like I could have done more. I'm pretty fired up. visions of pukie danced in my head...
the cert was awesome this weekend im stoked to come out and work with you guys again this weekend... that is if you will have me back.
Bill here is a little diagram of the psoas muscles get that shit stretched son
I think I'm going to run a 5k at the track tomorrow. Let me know if you want to join the fun
On the contrary. The *winner* should be *allowed* to do that lovely burpee workout. Seriously though, Brian is competitive enough... don't encourage him.
nate, subbing 3 pull-ups and dips for a muscle-up, and a 50# dumbbell for a kettlebell: 8 rounds + 1 "muscle-up". form on the swings not so good. i think i'll feel that in my lower back tomorrow. probably should have watched the kettlebell videos on the main site before that workout...
just remember that kbell swings are more about leg than swing. i always think "i am trying to broad jump while pulling a weight through my legs"...if that makes any sense.
tomorrow is rest day for me. maybe wednesday or thursday? i remember you have finals, but not sure which day.
What is the sub for handstand push-ups?
Sue, here is a link from the main crossfit FAQ site that might help... if you feel like doing a bit of engineering with the bands:)
Nate: 9 rounds + 2 "muscle-ups"
-Modified pull-ups & dips(40# assisted weight, can do regular dips but too long to switch up the machine)
-40# shoulder presses for HSPUs
-25# KTB swings
Someone jumped on the pullup machine during the workout which messed things up a bit. Next time will increase weight on both shoulder press and KTB swing.
Great job Ken with the increased weight on KTB! ...please don't hate me =)
Hey Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Cert was AMAZING!!! Great people. Great information. GREAT workouts!!!!
I took today off to recover from about 7000 air squats during the past two days at the cert.
Sue, a great sub for handstand pushups are piked pushups. Give me a call and I can explain in detail how to do these. Basically, you put you feet on a bench, hands on the ground slightly wider than shoulder width apart, pike at the hips (in an "L" position) so that your hips are directly over your head, and legs are straight. This movements takes the weight of your legs out of the equation...Great sub! Let me know how it goes.
yet another handstand pushup sub that i like is the sitting shoulder press. Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you, grab some dumbells by your side and start pressing away (great core stability exercise by the way)
I have 3 finals on Wednesday so how about sometime on Thursday?
Faith and Ken,
great work! Are you guys going to workout tomorrow cause I'd love to join in.
Bill and Nick,
glad that your back and certified. Congrats! You guys down for a game of Crossfit HORSE soon?
I started Nate today and but had to cut off early after 7 minutes and 5 rounds(with the pullup/dip sub). I have a decent enough body awareness to know when my body needs rest. The 2-4 hrs of sleep I've been getting lately has worn me down more than I thought. Damn these dirty finals! I'll rest up tonight and be back to strength tomorrow.
colin, faith, et al.: i'll be meeting nada (she wasn't fully scared off!) outside the rec cen at 8am. i was thinking of making up the workout i missed yesterday and having her do a light nancy instead (overhead squats instead of snatches). do you have a better idea for her?
huff, welcome back, sounds like you had fun! faith, hope your final went well. miguel, thanks for the tip, i think my main problem is my back rounding on the way down...
oh, and i meant to say, come join us at 8!
it could be your back is sore because you were doing them correctly. The KBS works those low back muscles (erectors and lumborum especially). You could be doing them wrong, but I doubt it.
It's great that Nada isn't scared off! BUT, now that she's back it is time to start things right. If you can, spend tomorrow working on some of the more basic movements. Get them looking solid. Overhead squats would be too much at this stage
i knew i'd be sore even if i did them right, but i'm pretty sure i was letting my lumbar go at the bottom; i'm going to watch those martone videos tonight...
any tips on what to show nada tomorrow? i feel very unqualified to teach her anything...
Hey guys, a workout tomorrow morning sounds great. See you at 8 =)
Huff & Nick, welcome back and congratulations!!
Colin, Huff, Matt,
thanks for sub info on HSPUs. I'm going to save this workout for a quiet gym day so I don't have to fight for equipment (everyone gets back on their workout routine on Monday, but by the end of the week they are gone!)
I'm going to visit Eva T's site for an "at-home" ass kicker.
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