Friday, July 11, 2008

Coach's Posts

If you are a regular reader of the CrossFit message boards or comments section, you know that every once in a while, Coach Glassman contributes some very interesting remarks. This sharp comment he posted today in response to "Rationality" was just too good a burn to leave of of the blog:

Rationality - Well, there are almost 2,000 threads about injuries on the forum, but Crossfit never injured anyone... no?

Coach -

If we got rid of the injury thread on the message board then we'd significantly reduce the injury rate? Would closing the doors of hospitals reduce the number of sick people?

Openly speaking of injury and rhabdo is a unique feature of this program. Be smart about drawing inference from our candor.

Your handle is a misnomer; it implies an acumen you clearly lack. I appreciate and understand your anonymity. Your thoughts would be an embarrassment to any name.

***REMINDER! - Tomorrow we will be hosting our free Saturday CrossFit workout on the UCSB Track at 10am.

W.O.D Saturday 7/12/08

Saturday Surprise...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Return of The Saturday Workouts

Faith receiving some great coaching from Neal Thompson at CF Boston

It's been a little while, but we will be hosting our Free Saturday workout this weekend. Meet us at the UCSB Track at 10am this Saturday. We'll get in a fun workout and grab some grub for lunch afterwards. We will also be able to share with you how our affiliation process is going and some other juicy details you can only get if you come! We'll see you there!

W.O.D Friday 7/11/08


"The World's Healthiest 75-Year-Old Man", by Susan Casey - Esquire Magazine

Speal weighing in at 136 pounds shocked most of us as he flew through this workout

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Key... getting in Crossfit videos is placing yourself into position to work out right next to monsters like Josh Everett. I'm the guy struggling with the burpees on the far left to the screen (behind Everett). Word is they are making a movie on the Crossfit and the games from all the footage they've been shooting. I can't wait till it comes out!

W.O.D Thursday 7/10/08

"Diane", 3 rounds for time:
Deadlifts (m-225, w-155)
Hand-Stand Push-Ups

Post times to comments

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back From Boston!

Huff and Faith are back in Cali! Oh, and yes, Huff recently squatted 325 pounds; 20 pounds more than his last PR! I think there must be less gravity on the East Coast. Another theory is that Huff has been working his ass off in his workouts. You can make your own opinion... Bill and Faith, Welcome Back!!!
W.O.D Wednesday 7/09/08

Over-Head Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
Run 1 mile for time

Post loads and times to comments

Can you over-head squat your body weight 15 times??

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back From The Games!

The 2008 Crossfit Games was an incredible event. The competition this year was impressive. To put things in perspective, AFT, the 2nd place Male winner from last year, came in 37th. OPT, last year's winner, did not even break the top ten. I really cannot do justice in describing just how exciting and entertaining the games were. The performances I witnessed were amazing from watching 14 year old Kallista Pappas push out thirty 100 pound clean and jerks, to seeing Jason Khalipa come back from far behind to win the games in the final event. I've never been to an event that made so many people cry just watching the will these athletes put forth. I have never been more inspired.

So now I'm back and eager to get training more than ever for the 2009 Games! Huff and I have talked about it and we will be treating this year leading up to the games as if we were training for the Olympics. We will be training much harder and smarter than ever before; and with a new level of intensity. We hope that you will join with us in our effort to prepare for the games and that you compete next year as well. And yes, the 2009 games will be held in Aromas again.

So... lets get started!
W.O.D Tuesday 7/8/08

"Cindy", as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Post number of rounds completed to comments

Friday, July 4, 2008

Game Time

I'm sorry that the blog hasn't been updated these last few days. My trip up to Santa Cruz has been busy and I just haven't had too much time to spend with a computer. The blog should be up and running once again on Monday. Until then, I highly suggest you follow the WODs from Crossfit HQ.

I am driving down to the site of the Crossfit Games in Aromas tonight. I will be living there out of my car for the next two days. The new rules and format for this year's games are very interesting. Check em out!