Every so often, someone gets the opportunity to meet Pukie after or during a crossfit workout. While puking may not be the most fun thing you ever go through, it really is an honor in disguise. It shows that you were able to push yourself harder than your body was ready for. You also can get a real good assessment of how much abuse your body can actually take. Personally, I have not puked yet. I have come close, but the honor has never befallen me. I can only hope for that perfect day when I finally empty my stomach! Have you meet Pukie yet? If so, please share your stories with us to the comments.

Crossfit Trivia Question #6 (4 points): Who started Crossfit? Where was it started? And give 1 reason why it is often described as "evidence-based fitness"
W.O.D Monday 6/2/08
Rest Up
Puke and Rally
Rest Up
Puke and Rally
Not cool man, not cool haha.
Greg Glassman started Crossfit in Santa Cruz sometime in the 1970s.
Crossfit believes that the safety, efficacy, and efficiency of their workout program can only be supported by measurable, observable, and repeatable facts (data). They call this approach "evidence-based fitness"
By using the internet to disclose their methods, results, and criticisms they can support their data.
Damn Miguel,
you're all over it! 4 points to you again.
i think miguel is cheating. i have no evidence to support this claim, but i'm sticking by it.
made up yesterday's workout with faith today:
SP: 100, 105, 110, 110, 115(F)
PP: 105, 110, 115, 120, 125
PJ: 110, 115, 120 (bad form), 115(F), 115
i have waaaaaay too much free time on my hands these days
i'm a physics grad student, which means little bursts of work interspersed through long stretches of procrastination. doesn't seem to help with these quizzes...
i've been stuck behind a computer for the past 17 or so years, so i've gotten pretty good at researching random stuff.
Made up yesterdays workout
SP: 45-65-75-75-80
PP: 45-65-75-75-75
PJ: 45-65-75-80-80
I am still trying to figure out what are good weights for me to use. Sometimes I think I can go heavier but I am scared of hurting myself or having bad technique.
made up yesterday's w/o...
SP 45 55f 50 55f 50
PP 50 50 55 55 60
PJ 50 50 50 55 60f
have a mental block with adding weight. worried about proper form and injury. broomstick practice to build confidence perhaps?
made up yesterday's workout:
SP: 50-50-50-50-55(F)
PP: 50-55-60-60-65(F)
Just practiced the clean and jerk. Need to learn proper form, improve thrust. First time working with heavy weights though on these exercises, so excited =)
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