Monday, June 16, 2008

Almost There...

Huff and I are absolutely determined to get our affiliate up and running. We spent about 6 hours visiting multiple locations and talking to numerous owners. Then, after a very "relaxing" squat/L-sit session, we finished our application for affiliation and have just sent it in! Tomorrow we will be applying for our business license as well as our insurance among other cool things. We are working hard in hope that we can provide all of you a great affiliate to work out at soon. WE ARE STOKED! Thanks for the support!

W.O.D Tuesday 6/17/08

7 Rounds For Time:
7 Deadlifts (m: 225, w: 155)
7 Burpee Box Jumps (m: 24", w: 20")
7 Weighted Pull-Ups (m: 25, w:15)

What's a box jump burpee? Check it!


Migs said...


Let's get that box!

I am putting the good vibes out there for you!

On another note, thanks in part to Crossley's postings, I have finally succumbed to the blog virus and have started my own:

Also, my schedule is very flexible now that summer is here, so if anyone is on campus and wanting to get in a workout (lower body only, i'm still taking it easy on the chest) lemme know!

Matthew J. Crossley said...

I'll be hitting up the 5x5 back squat tomorrow early afternoon. I'd love some company.

Matthew J. Crossley said...

Also, CJ and Huff... you guys rock. Keep it up and don't hesitate to ask if we can help out in any way.

Migs said...


I'll be on campus around 0830. Gimme a call in my office 893-2332 or on my cell 450-1605 and we can pick a time to meet.

Migs said...

Hey gang,

Totally dead at work, so I'm bouncing early and heading to gym.

Can y'all (matt, faith, ken, etc.) PM me your phone #'s so I can get hold of you in the future?

Migs said...


Frustrating gym day

Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5

225, 235, 245, 255 dnf, 265 (fail)

Felt "off", maybe not enough warm-up. Definitely need to go with someone next time for form/technique critique

Anonymous said...

This was as close to death as I've ever been :) Nice workout!!!

Another good day at the "gym" with CJ.


As Rx'd: 19:20

Unknown said...

Go Colin & Bill! We know you'll find just the right spot and we will do whatever we can to help you dial it in!!

CJ said...


Thanks a bunch. We really appreciate your support!

Today's WOD:

As Rx'd - 20:07

Unknown said...

made up back squat today...disaster.

need professional assistance (colin & bill heeeeeeelp!) to solve squat issues. now that I'm correcting my foot position I'm squatting off balance (starting the press at bottom of squat ok, but part way up I slide to the left - it's really weird and also frustrating).

Miguel drill sergeanted me into some overhead squats to make me feel that's love.