Saturday, June 28, 2008

Olympic Lift Clinic

Casey Burgener (Mike Burgner's son) will be going to the this year's Beijing Olympics

Want to be more like Casey? Come on! I know you least a little bit. Well if you do, I will be holding a small free Olympic Clinic this Tuesday. We will meet up, work on form, lift some heavy weights, and maybe grab a few beers for afterwards. Let me know in the comments if you are interested so I can get a general idea of how many people want to come. I'll try to let you know more about the details about where and when tomorrow.

W.O.D Sunday 6/28/08

"Diane" for time:
Deadlifts (m: 225, w: 155)
Hand Stand Push-Ups

Post times to comments


Migs said...

we're in any time after 5:30 during the week

Unknown said...

DL 95 lbs
subbed seated SP for HSPU 30 lbs (15 lbs dumbbells)

DL 155 lbs
subbed seated SP for HSPU 50 lbs (too light)

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