***Tomorrow - Free Crossfit Total Clinic! Meet tomorrow in front of the UCSB REC CENTER @ 6PM
W.O.D Monday 6/23/08
Crossfit Total (aka "CFT")
Back squat, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Nicole and Zac hitting up the CFT
Crossfit Total (aka "CFT")
Back squat, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Nicole and Zac hitting up the CFT
the day I press 105lbs you guys are throwing me a party.
Sounds like a plan to me!
i'll buy the beer.
So party tonight?
party from my hospital bed...yeah!
It can be a Jello party. Don't worry, I'll bring some protein powder to make it zone.
WOD (1 of 2):
"Jackie" As Rx'd - 7:45...not a PR
(this should be under 7, I just mentally pussed out on the thrusters)
Then "L"-sits
**Side Note: I will be doing 2 workouts a day for this next week. Not because I will benefit physically from it - I actually expect to lose some conditioning from overtraining - but because I need to train myself to mentally be able to do several workouts in a day like I will be doing 12 days from now at the games.
I have a copy of "Starting Strength". Hit me up if you want to borrow it.
BS - 355
DL - 400 PR
SP - 175
Total - 930
that was so much fun! congratulations to everyone for kickin' ass and thanks for inspiring a "yes, I can" state of mind!
Squat:100 PR
Deadlift: 135 PR
SP: 55 PR -this will increase dramatically (I hope) as my shoulder gets stronger
squat 265
dead 315
press 155
total 735
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