Ken scores 4 big points in our Crossfit Trivia Game by being the first to answer what IWCABTAMD stands for. IWCABTAMD stands for Increased Work Capacity Across Broad Times and Modal Domains. In case you don't know it yet, that is our ultimate goal with Crossfit. In simpler words, we want to increase our ability to do a lot of stuff (increased work capacity), no matter how much time we have (broad times), and no matter what kind of activity we are doing (modal domains). I think Robert Heinlein makes a good point in this quote:
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects”
Crossfit Trivia Question #2 (worth 5 points): How does Crossfit define strength?
**The answer I'm looking for must be 5 words or less**
W.O.D Thursday 5/19/08
"Take the work out of your workout....Hawaii Chair"
"Take the work out of your workout....Hawaii Chair"
Strength: muscle's ability to apply force?
"the successful application of force"
The ability to take the work out of your workout? Whacky chair...
hey matt,
what is a whacky chair?
the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply
Ashley, Sue, and anyone else with tight shoulders:
Practice handstand holds against the wall. Push through your hands so that your body inches up the wall (alternate between handstands with back against the wall and stomach against the wall).
This is a great exercise to help open the shoulders (increase flexibility), as well as strengthening the upper body! You can start with 30 second holds, and work your way up when appropriate. If you ever have any questions on handstand technique, just let me know...
Making up today's workout tomorrow...can't wait!
strength: ability to resist ice cream.
looking forward to making up today's workout tomorrow and finally being caught up!
Sorry Faith, but your definition is missing an important part.
The answer I was looking for was "The productive application of force". The word "productive" is the key component you left out. Sue used the word successful instead of productive and I'll allow it.
5 Points to Sue!
Ken...your definition was a close second!
If Ken's definition is correct, I have ZERO strength.
Unless, of course, Coldstone Tabatas count.
I think Miguel just gave us a great idea for Saturday's workout =)
whew! I just made the grade.
ice cream tabatas...yummy!
Made up yesterday's workout:
5 Rounds
Modification: 20# Overhead Squat
Could have gone down a little further on push ups, but overall, pretty happy with the effort (I really kept an eye on my meters/min so I could keep pace). Great workout!
power = force x distance / time
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