I want to thank all of you who have been extremely supportive of Bill and I. The emails, the comments, the phone calls... all of it has given us even more reason and determination to continue what we are doing and to pursue our dream of opening an affiliate. I can think of nothing better than to help create a strong community of unbelievably dedicated and personable people who understand the importance of being fit and thrive to achieve their fullest potential. It is to you that we dedicate ourselves. It is because of you that we continually work so hard to educate ourselves, to strengthen our ability to communicate what we know, to keep searching diligently for a spot to affiliate, to continue our Saturday workouts, and to post in this blog as often as we can. This is for all of you. For your unwaivering support, unmatched enthusiasm, and unconditional encouragement. Thank you...
Random topic, but does anyone have their Zone diet figured out?
I am having major issues figuring out blocks and such...
Hey Miguel,
Crossfit Journal #21 does a great job of breaking everything down, from how many blocks you need and what constitutes one block to meal plans and block charts. I can send you the pdf of the journal if you'd like. Did you have any specific questions in mind?
Can you email it to me too please? Thanks.
Quick question. Do I have to shave my head to be a good crossfitter?
Coopey xoxoxo
That PDF that Faith mentioned does a very good job at briefly looking at the zone and will get you started.
I highly suggest keeping a track of your block intake for the day in the same journal as your workouts. That way once you can really experiment with how many blocks is really best for you (based on your performance in the workouts).
And to answer you Cooper, yes, shaving your head will take minutes off your "Fran" time, I suggest you test it out...
Todays workout:
Clean & Jerk - 230# (a PR for me on both the clean and the jerk)
I second that thought. Use the information from the journal as a guideline. Try it initially as prescribed, then modify it accordingly for yourself. It is amazing how much you can learn from your body if you listen to it closely. Try different combinations and see how your body responds. You'll know!
Focused completely on technique. No max.
Played around with 135 lbs.
# of sets: lost count after about 37 (or least it seemed that many
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