Bringing Together A Great Community From Santa Barbara to Ventura
Monday, May 12, 2008
Why is it that so many people have such a large interest in different supplements while having such relatively little interest in different types of stretching? Might it be due to the fact that taking pills and buying energy drinks are a lot easier and less time consuming than sitting down and reaching past your toes (which when doing right, can hardly be called easy)? Increasing our own flexibility can increase strength, speed, and athletic ability as much or more than any legal supplement. Tight hamstrings for example, can weaken our squat and deadlifts, slow us on our sprints, and can even reek havoc on our agility and coordination. Many of us, if not most, have at least some muscle group that is tight and lacking the flexibility it needs to work at full potential. Whether predisposed or not, flexibility can be and should be actively improved upon. Spend some time stretching out after your workout, or even when your just sitting at home. Try static stretching, PNF, foam rolling, massages, dislocates, etc... just spend some time on it and you'll start to see a difference.
...or you could buy one of these crazy massage chairs from japan!
1 comment:
250 Jumping Jacks for time 7:28
300 Jump ropes (not for time)
Tabata squats
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