By the way, that beach workout on Saturday was really a killer. If you are having trouble walking up stairs...or just walking in general, you are not alone. Make sure you spend some time stretching out so you can loosen up and be ready to go for Tuesday. Stretching can also help you become more flexible. Check out "Rubber Boy" in this video. I bet he stretches a lot!
W.O.D Monday 4/5/08
Rest Rest Rest
i am indeed having trouble walking up stairs. and walking. no trouble resting.
started the big 21 O-lifting program today ( pretty fun so far!
Let me know how that program goes. If I see you at the gym, I'd like to check out your form for you, since it is impossible to "watch yourself". Good luck!
how do I love thee bear crawls? Let me count the ways...
I love thee with a passion inspired by pain in strange and unusual places.
Thanks for another great workout!
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