I have wanted to become a personal trainer for a long time. That is why I am at UCSB persuring two minors in personal training and athletic coaching. Five months ago, I stumbled across CrossFit and I've gone crazy for it ever since. I love the workouts, the physical as well as the psychological aspects, the community, the trainers I've been lucky to meet. I feel that becoming a CrossFit personal trainer would create the most happiness in my life. I would do it for free if I had to...In fact I already do! Recently, I've been taking my friend out and training him for an hour every day. And what I found out is that I love it even more than I thought I would!
Well, today I got in touch with a fellow CrossFitter down here in Santa Barbara and he said there were some trainers in the area that are interested in opening a CrossFit down here. I feel that even though I am young, this is an opportunity I need to jump on. And QUICKLY!! I don't know the trainers names but I know what gym they currently work at and I plan on finding them THIS WEEKEND! I know if I put out an all out effort on this, I'll have a chance to convince them to let me on board. I'll take out loans, I'll do whatever to become part of the new CrossFit down here. I just need to continue learning as much as I can and become Crossfit Level 1 certificated. I know I got a lot of work ahead of me but I am determined like no fuckin other. This is why quickness is important to train for and even though I was expecting to have more time, I know this is what I was made to do. Thanks for any support!
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
7 Rounds: Sprint 400 M
Walk 400 M
Sprint #1 - 1:07
Sprint #2 - 1:14
Sprint #3 - 1:18
Sprint #4 - ?? (forgot to restart the stop-watch)
Sprint #5 - 1:18
Sprint #6 - 1:17
Sprint #7 - 1:19

Colin, you seem wise beyond your age. It sounds to me like this opportunity is smart for you. One thing though, take the time to find out about these guy's you intend to partner with. Make sure they're good people. I hope it works out, I'm a little envious.
CJ, I am really excited to hear you are so pumped on crossfit and becoming a trainer. It is something I highly encourage you to do. I love my life and what I do and can honestly say there is nothing I would rather do with my life. Please keep pursuing your dream. I agree with Troy, make sure these guys are the right people to partner with. They end up becoming your family....B
Troy and B, thanks so much for the advice; I'll take it to heart. I will definitely make sure that these guys are great guys and are right to partner up with. I'll keep you updated. Hopefully it all works out!
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