Since the New Year, I've been following the zone every single day (well...except 1 weekend) and I am loving the improvements I'm seeing with my workouts. Not only am I becoming fitter at a faster pace, I also am noticing the other benefits it's having on my body. For one, once I wake up, I never feel tired until I'm about to go to sleep. I used to have to take power naps all the time. Second, I have felt extremely well every single day since the new year. Not once have I felt anything but perfect and I am sure this feeling is effecting all other aspects of my life as well.
I have been taking fish oil as well, but only till last night did I realize that I was not taking NEARLY enough! I have been taking a total of about 2 grams of EPA/DHA a day. Starting today I'm increasing that intake to 10 grams a day. That's a lot of fish pills! But I think the health benefits are worth it and I can't wait to feel the benefits this will bring to my performance and my life.
If you are not eating meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar, I HIGHLY suggest you change your diet. If you are mostly eating these foods, I HIGHLY suggest following the guidelines of the Zone. Why not? It's really not that hard once you get used to it. It can really put a kick to your health and fitness.
Yesterday's Workout: "Jackie"
1000m row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pullups
Time - 7:41
Today's Workout: "Mary"
as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Hand-Stand Push Ups
10 1-legged squats
15 Pullups
Score - 8 + 5hspu + 10 1-legged squats + 12 pullups
The pullups are starting to really kill my left shoulder (i got surgery on my rotator cuff 3 years ago). Not sure why, I'll try to do more stabilizing work on it for now on.