So whats really the importance of having good posture? I know mom's hate to see their kids walking around with bad posture, but what about bad posture makes is distinctly "bad"? Many many many things.
Posture, even an only slightly bad one, is by and large, the reason severe chronic back and neck pain are so common in our country. The reason can be largely because many of us sit in chairs all day, which evolutionarily we were not designed to do. Sitting down with a non-active back promotes rounded shoulders, a overly flexed back. Not to mention the use of computers often causes a overly forward posture of our neck. Chronic pain, however, is not the only reason to avoid bad posture...
Bad posture is LARGELY at fault for many athletic injuries. Especially those injuries which we tend to get over and over again. Here is an example: having a overly forward (or flexed) neck changes our center of balance. Our shoulders then slump forward to accommodate this defect. Then the anterior (front) portion of our pelvis shifts forward. This puts tremendous stress on our hamstring muscles which makes them much more prone to injury. This anterior pelvic tilt also affects our athletic performance. If a muscle is already stretched, we cannot use that muscle to its full potential. So, for us crossfitters, exercises like jumping, squating and thrusters, the Olympic lifts, and many other aspects of fitness suffer. There are many other ways in which posture can affect our whole bodies and can make a big difference in our athletic ability.
So I am asking you to think actively think about your posture when you can. When you are sitting down, don't slump or slouch... it could cost you not only in later chronic pain, but it could deprive you of your full athletic potential.
Past 3 Day's:
Day 1-"Mary" as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 HSPU - 10 Pistols - 15 Pullups
Score - 10.7 Rounds (a PR by almost 2 rounds)
Day 2- Find max 1-rep Deadlift
3 x 225, 3 x 255, 2 x 275, 2 x 295, 1 x 315, 1 x 345, 1 x 370 (f)
note...I jumped up much too quickly on that last set in hope of getting a pr. Stupid idea
5 Rounds for time:
10 Box Jumps (30") - 10 Back Extensions - 10 AbMat Situps
Time - 5:54
Day 3 -5 Rounds for time:
400m Run - 20 Thrusters (75#) - 5 ManMakers (20# each DB)
Time - 21:15
(I will to post after every 3 day cycle on my rest days for now on)
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