This weekend, Bill Huffman and I will be running our first (of hopefully many) free Saturday workouts. The plan is to have everyone meet on the beach near the Embarcadero entrance (shown in the picture) at noon. For those who unfamiliar with Crossfit, it will be a great way to check us out and get a taste of what it is. For everyone already familiar with it, including some of you monster crossfitters I've met lately, it will be a great way to meet other people in our community. For those of you who prefer to workout with someone else, this is a great opportunity to find local crossfitters.
This is also a great opportunity for you to meet up and talk to Bill and myself about our future opening of Crossfit Santa Barbara. I would love to answer any questions and listen to any suggestions you may have.
So come out and join us this Saturday at the beach. We'll workout, hang out, and for the first time, attempt to bring together the local Santa Babara Crossfit community. See you there!
I am traveling or I would be there.
Have fun.
My attempts at beginning personal training are actually going very horribly right now. It's a rather unfortunate situation, seeing as how I already forked over ~$400 for some crappy ACE certification! However, because of that certification, I may have a job at a local globo-gym, albeit, only starting by working at the entrance desk, but moving on to training once I "get used to the gym environment." It's not what I'd like, but it is a good intro, will hook me up with clients for referrals (eventually), will prepare me for personal training at UMD with a high starting pay, and keep me out of liability!
On the upside, I've now got a kickass Pendlay CrossFit bar and some sweet pull-up bars too (which I had planned to use while training people at my home).
Take care,
Hey Colin, I talked to your Partner Bill, great guy. It was kinda hard to find your blog. We should meet up some time. I love that there is a good foundation of Crossfitters here in Santa Barbara.
Interesting to know.
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