UCSB grad student, Brian Spiering, demonstrating great form on his burpees in today's workout. I can only wonder if the passerby on the bike even knows what a burpee is... Hopefully Brian will be able to make it to one of our Saturday workouts soon so everyone can meet him. He's got a great blog which follows his progress that you can check out here.
Speaking of Saturdays... Miguel sent me an interesting article on exercising safely in the heat. Since it is getting hotter, and our Saturday workouts are usually going to be held outside, it is important that you remember to stay hydrated and wear sun screen to these workouts. You can check out the article here.
WOD Tuesday 4.29.08
"Tabata This"
Rest 1 minute between each exercise
Tabata Squats, Tabata Pull-ups, Tabata Push-ups, Tabata Sit-ups, Tabata Row
Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals.
The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.
As Rx'd
Squats: 20
Pullups: 7
Pushups: 11
Situps: 12
Row: 5
Score: 55
Squats: 24
Pullups: 5
Pushups: 7
Situps: 9
Row: 5
Score: 50
Definitely need to plan a better strategy next time...especially with the pullups and pushups.
Gym sucks for Tabata so Sue and I did this instead:
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Back Ext.
Wall Ball
Box Jumps
Miguel 26:15
Sue 28:35
Had to share a box for Box Jumps and shuffle around the other patrons. Major pain in the b*tt...
squats : 23
pushups: 14
situps : 14
dips : 6
row : 6
score : 63
I wouldn't call my burpees perfect. My burpees are strict. They are slower and require more body control. Different methods for different goals.
I really wish I could come out and play on Saturday, but I am out climbing every weekend. You can follow along : http://crankensteinclimbing.blogspot.com/
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