I've still been training my friend while I'm sick and in the past week, I've been approached by 2 different guys interested in what I was about and seeking advice. When I get better completely, I'm sure I'll enjoy helping them out in the gym as well. I'm obviously not charging anything as I'm not certified yet and look forward to these training sessions as they have been helping me get better at communicating what I know about fitness.
Today I think I'll go to the gym and just do a slow easy circuit of dips, pullups, handstand pushups, squats, box jumps, sit ups, just to get myself accustomed to start working CrossFit hard again. I'll make an EXTRA effort not to tire myself too much...
Also, it looks like I'm heading to Santa Cruz for this 3 day weekend. If all goes as planned, I'll be there by thursday night and stay until monday. I'll definetely be spending plenty of time at CF NSC! I'm pretty excited to get back to such a great facility with such great people, even if it's only briefly. CJ
Hey CJ, I'm glad to hear your back on the mend. I just got back to working out on friday. I definetly have some ground to make up but I'm not doing too fast. Maybe I'll see you this coming weekend. I still do 5am on m-w-f and usually 4pm thurs and 8am sat. Let me know.........
I'll definitely try my best to workout at those times, thanks for letting me know,
awesome blog, cj. i live in SC and workout at the NSC crossfit with brendan, saw your comment on his blog and so checked out yours.
you made me think about alot of different things and just cool to see your crazy dedication!
keep it up!
Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm really glad you enjoy it! Thanks for letting me know and maybe I'll see you at CF-NSC this weekend.....
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