Here's a picture from back in the day before surfing with my good friends "Big Show"and Tara.
I cannot not be any happier with the last 3 workouts I have done. Staying strict to the zone is changing me more than I ever thought it could! My times are jumping, I am feeling better, and I am just loving the energy! Here are all the PR's I've gotten in the last 3 days:
500m row - 1:37 (a 5 second PR)
"Grace" 30 Clean and Jerks for time (135#) - 5:17 (a 1min 28 sec PR)
"CrossFit Total":
Back Squat - 355#
Press - 170# (a 5# PR)
Deadlift - 365# (a 10# PR)
Total - 890 (a 15# PR)
and then today: "Helen" 3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 DB Swings (55#)
12 Pullups
Time - 10:21 (a 4 min 17 sec PR!)
Now its time to rest, relax, enjoy the Patriots SuperBowl win (I hope they win...Brady's awesome)
It might take a little while for another blog to come up; I got 4 midterms and a speech to prepare and I have not studied a wink! See ya soon...CJ
1 comment:
CJ, Those are some awsome PR's. Brady's good........but he's no Joe Montana. Joe is 4-0 with 3 MVP's and no interseptions in over 120 completions. Brady's got some years left though.
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