Yesterday, my first real day back since being sick, and I decided to do "Joshie" as rex'd. I wanted a workout that would mess with me psychologically as well as physically. I felt weak, slow, and dizzy and finally managed to finish it in 43 minutes. This got me thinking about character and why so many of CrossFitters seem to have so much of it.
Does Crossfit attract those who have great character or does it create great character in those who are attracted to it? I believe it is the latter. When you do workouts that consistently push yourself this hard, character is produced. Think about it. When your on rep 113 of L-Pullups in "Joshie" and no one is watching you, what is stopping you from taking it easy and cutting the workout short, especially if you are by yourself? Nothing, nothing except the development of your character can push you through those last few rounds as hard as you can. This character is important and comes out across all aspects of life.
I want to thank Crossfit and those involved in it's community for helping develop my character. I no longer take the easy ways out anymore and I do things now that I never believed I would be doing a year ago. When I found a wallet on the ground, I returned it, even though I could have really used the money. When someone, even if that may not be friend, needs help, I will do my best to help them. I feel much friendlier now and I just feel more comfortable in my role in life. I am living a much better life than I was a year ago. How has Crossfit helped your character or those around you? It's easy to notice and worth thinking about.....
I agree with you completely. If you don't accept half-assed attempts in your workouts, there's no reason to accept them in your job, family relations, etc.
Don't work hard. Work harder.
Take care,
CJ, Good point. Character does seem to be abundant amoung crossfitters. Joshie on your first day back from the flu? That's a tough one on the rebound.
see you at nsc on the weekend, cj.
i'm the dork with all the tattoos.
sorry to let you know, but my ride to SC flaked out on me so I can't get up there this weekend. Hopefully I can make the trip sometime soon...
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